
Thinking of getting a cover-up?

At our studio, we understand that every client’s reason for laser tattoo removal is unique. With experienced tattoo artists and laser technicians, we offer personalized care to fade your tattoo for a flawless cover-up.

Typically, 2-4 treatments are recommended, but the number may vary based on your cover-up design and tattoo artist. Dense or heavily colored tattoos may need extra sessions to create a clean canvas for your new ink.

Our collaborative approach ensures better integration of the new artwork and more creative freedom for stunning results. Let us help you achieve the aesthetic you desire.

Considering removing your tattoo entirely?

Every client has their own reasons for tattoo removal. Whatever yours may be, we’re here to help you move forward.

Typically, it takes 6-12 treatments to fully remove a tattoo. However, the number of sessions depends on factors like tattoo size, complexity, ink depth, location, and age.

Let us assist you in leaving the past behind.

Regretting your cosmetic tattoo?

Cosmetic tattooing has become more popular lately, leading to more clients seeking removal. Whatever your reason, we’re here to assist you in achieving a more natural look or preparing for a new cosmetic tattoo.

Cosmetic tattoo ink can be unpredictable. Unlike traditional tattoos, it’s customized to match hair and skin color. It often contains multiple pigments and is applied in various ways like micro-blading or machine-stroking. These factors affect the removal process, which requires precision and expertise to tailor treatment plans for each individual.

Cosmetic ink isn’t just for eyebrows. It’s used for various purposes like scalp micropigmentation, freckles, beauty spots, lip liner, and eyeliner. At Derma Eraser, we don’t remove eyeliner tattoos because it requires special precautions, only done by doctors or optometrists. Lip liner tattoos, like some eyebrow tattoos, can darken over time, leading to an undesirable look.