Laser Tattoo removal is a procedure in which a beam of light at a specific wavelength is applied to the skin and is absorbed by coloured pigments in the skin, including melanin and tattoo pigments. Laser is specially designed for tattoo removal bypass the epidermis (the top layer of skin), applying a powerful blast of energy to the tattoo pigment particle, effectively “blowing them up” and releasing the pigment. The body then absorbs taking six weeks absorbing & clearing released pigments.

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Pre-treatment care is essential before getting a tattoo removed. Clients need to avoid sun exposure for few weeks. Sunlight increases the risk of hypo-pigmentation (skin discoloration). To reduce the pain a topical anaesthesia is prescribed.


This procedure may cause snapping or stinging sensation. The Laser hand piece is applied to the skin to deliver the laser light. Protect glasses are worn to protect the patient’s eyes from the light. Different wavelength of laser is used as per black / brown / coffee pigmentation. Higher power laser is used with multiple wavelengths have the capability to target deeper pigment & multiple colours.


Following aftercare guidelines is fundamental during the laser tattoo removal process. A proper dressing is done to the removed tattoo area before you leave. This dressing should be removed once home. Apply antibiotic ointment and a band aid to the treated area for one to two weeks as prescribed. Keep the area away from water for a 48 hour. Blistering and swelling is normal over the tattoo, which will go away within 7-10 days. Do not pick any scabbing to the area as this will damage the skin. Once the area is healed, we recommend massaging bio oil into the skin twice daily until your next appointment. The treated area should not be directly exposed to sunlight or sun beds for 7-14 days.


  • For the next 24 hours:A cold compress and elevation are recommended to help reduce discomfort and inflammation.
  • Avoid for the next 24 hours:  Physical activity, hot showers and saunas.
  • Apply for the next 4-6 days: AED Ointment and cover the treated area with a nonstick gauze pad until the wound is healed. Change the dressing daily.
  • Avoid for the next 1-2 weeks: Direct sun exposure, hot tubs, pool water and salt water until tattoo is healed.
  • Keep the treated area clean and dry while it is healing. Clean the area with antibacterial soap if needed and then pat the area dry.AVOID HIGH-PRESSURE WATER HITTING THE TREATED AREA.
  • Some scabbing, blistering, light bleeding and itching may occur. Immediately after treatment, there may be redness and swelling at the treatment site. This usually lasts 2 hours or longer. The erythema may last up to 10 days.
  • Do not pop blisters. If you do blister, continue to apply one of the recommended ointments until the blister has popped naturally.
  • Do not pick at the scab or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in infection and scarring. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed
  • You may notice that blistering may occur in some treatments and not others. If blistering does not occur, it does not mean that your most recent treatment was less aggressive or your treatment is not working. Sometimes your body will react, while other times it will not. Regardless, the treatment is working.
  • Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed (5-10 days).
  • Please apply sunscreen everyday to the treated area after the tattoo has completely healed (5-10 days), even if clothing covers the treated area. Sun will travel through your shirt or pants. The use of sunscreen everyday on the area will also help the ink absorb and help with itching.
  • No active tan, self-tanner, bronzers or spray tan 4-6 weeks before and after treatment.
  • Massage the treated area 5-10 minutes daily after treated area has healed (5-10 days). Daily massage will help ink absorb.
  • Remember, not all tattoos will clear 100%. Your tattoo may just fade.
  • Please call your primary care physician if an infection occurs.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.
  • Remember: DRINK A LOT OF WATER!